Get Even Spell Gets BIG Results!!!

Last year, right before the holidays, I got an unexpected phone call from a friend of my mother in law.  He told me that he felt guilty not telling me this before, but he thought she was  casting black magic and bad energy against me.  While staying at her house, he told me, she spoke evil about me daily to anyone who would hear it, including my husband’s ex-wife, who she chose to remain great friends with (I have been with my husband twelve years).

A couple weeks after this weird phone call, I met a psychic.  He told me that he could see in my aura that an old woman wishes me harm and thinks evil thoughts of me. He told me that it was my mother-in-law and that I had to go through a hundred times more hell last year than was my proper karma–I lost two businesses, three jobs and spent twenty-two weeks in bed, coughing up blood with severe asthma and pneumonia.  We also had six months being surrounded by fire and had eight days in a Red Cross Shelter.

Enough was enough! I had to Get Even!

I was already suspecting her hatred over the years with her fake sweet voice and the way she’d say “I love you” through clenched teeth. My marriage eventually broke up, in no small part due to her, and she was ecstatic over this. My husband, who had at one time deeply loved me and was devoted solely to me, now hates me.

Obviously, this Get Even Spell was NEEDED!!!

We went to visit her (and by the Grace of GOD my children and I got to stay several houses away at a different relative’s place in a brand new $250K trailer with separate running water –important to keep in mind as you read this).

I had the spell cast the day we arrived and I was vindicated in a BIG way!

The next day the main sewer line broke in FRONT of her house, causing a serious foul smell for days while they fixed it; she also had a full house of people and no running water for three days!

A week after that, it was discovered that her bathroom had mold in it–a serious mold issue that left her unable to use this bathroom for three weeks while all of the walls were replaced both in the bathroom and also in her adjoining clothes closet.

All I can say at this point is THANK YOU for at least helping me GET EVEN with my evil mother-in-law!  She brought this on to herself and she got it back at least three-fold!

You are amazing!  I am now a customer for LIFE!

Thank you!

Name withheld by request
Northern, CA